Why I Believe in Building a Global Platform for Promotion of Global Upstream Opportunities in the World Energies Summit

My mentor and uncle, the entrepreneur, petroleum economist and author Dr. Duncan Clarke, always is quick to remind that things take time to build, and that reputation is hard fought. Our commitment to core values and good principles has been crucial in our success at Frontier. "Integrity is paramount" is one of our core values, and this shapes how we work with our partners across the industry. Building strong and collaborative relationships with the companies and governments that work with us is key to the Frontier magic and I am proud of what we stand for in the industry and in the space within which we operate.

Good people, do good business!

In my experience of building the Africa Energies Summit this has been true and now as we prepare for it's 8th Edition in 2025, held every May in London, we definitely have taken our place as Africa's Premier Global Energy Conference.

The creation and building of the World Energies Summit was the next natural step for our company and we are forming this with exactly the same DNA that drove our decisions for Africa. Not a large expo-style conferences where you are lost in a sea of delegates and consultants selling you stuff, but a C-level group of stakeholders all driven by the same goal; to unlock energy resources worldwide in the upstream and beyond.

This will be the 2nd Edition of the World Energies Summit and it has huge potential to grow. The second edition we predict will over double in size and will welcome more governments from around the world looking to promote licensing rounds and acreage.

Engaging Governments at World Energies Summit to promote!

I am pleased to be engaging one-on-one with governments around the world who will be joining us in London on the 1st - 2nd October to promote; including those confirmed below:

I would like to personally thank our Confirmed Sponsors 2024 who have committed to supporting this Summit and believe in the Frontier formula for building a high-level network to connect, collaborate and get deals done in the global upstream.





World Energies Summit 2024 Confirmed Speakers

Become a Partner of the World Energies Summit 2024

1. Request Partnership Prospectus

2. Schedule a call with the Frontier team - info@frontierenergy.network

3. Choose the right package for you!

Join us to promote energy opportunities worldwide!

So if upstream is your thing, then I would personally like to invite you to register to join us for this Summit, which promotes energy potential and opportunities worldwide, and join c-suite leaders and forward thinkers.

Tickets are limited, due to the nature of our meetings, so secure your place now

Labrador & Newfoundland's OilCo with Galp team at World Energies Summit

Tra Ho, of Wood Mackenzie at World Energies Summit

Trinidad and Tobago's new High Commissioner His Excellency Vishnu Dhanpaul


Côte d’Ivoire Spotlight


The Surge, Frontier Energy Network’s Monthly Newsletter