The Surge, Frontier Energy Network’s Monthly Newsletter

Welcome to the July edition of The Surge – designed to keep you connected with all that’s happening within the Frontier Energy Network.

World Energies Summit, 1st - 2nd October, London, UK

This October, the industry's leading international conference for C-suite energy leaders will cover the full spectrum of topics relevant to global oil & energy, from upstream investment to government promotion to renewable energy opportunities. Request your copy of the agenda now!

Gold Sponsor Announcement

SLB has been a long-time supporter of the Frontier, and we are pleased to announce that our relationship continues to flourish. Frontier CEO, Gayle Meikle sums up what our latest World Energies Summit sponsor means to us:

“To say that we are proud to work with SLB is an understatement; it is an ideal partnership built on mutual collaboration and trust and I look forward to working on future projects worldwide with the excellent SLB team.”

Who’s Speaking?

From CEOs and business leaders, to those who are active in government and NOCs, we’re adding some of the international energy sector’s most influential figures to the World Energies Summit agenda every day.

The list of participating governments can also be found here.

Best Rate Delegate Tickets

Our Best Rate ticket deal ends on 31st July – make sure you purchase yours today and benefit from our limited-time reduced rate which gives you:

  • In-person delegate pass

  • Access to Leaders’ Networking Drinks Reception

  • Access to Summit app

  • Full networking through app

  • Access to attendee list

Frontier Energy Network Members also benefit from VIP access at Summit.

Changing Face of Energy Series

If you missed it, then you genuinely missed out. Last month, we brought four of the global energy industry’s leading commentators together to discuss the biggest challenges and opportunities across the global upstream sector – today and in the future.

Find out what was discussed in our latest report, Global Upstream: What to Watch Report. Access your copy here.

Our sincere thanks go to our panellists, Alexandre Araman of Wood Mackenzie, Iman Hill of United Oil & Gas, Alexander Zaslavsky of Horizon Engage and Shankar Krishnan of Enverus for providing us with such outstanding insight.

Members’ Reception – Kuala Lumpur

Last month, we were delighted to host our first-ever event on Malaysian soil, sponsored by our Corporate Patron, Viridien. Check out the evening’s image gallery We’re operating at the very centre of the developing energy industry, and our members and partners in the Asia Pacific region play a critical role in our network. We’re committed to helping them achieve their objectives through a variety of means, including this exclusive networking reception in Kuala Lumpur.

Our Regional Leader, Ian Cross, was his usual invaluable self in the run-up to and during the reception – our thanks go to him. If you’re based or active in South East Asia and want to find out more about our network in the region, contact us.

Africa Energies Summit

Africa Upstream: 2024 Investment Trends Report

Last week, we launched Africa Upstream: 2024 Investment Trends Report, a Frontier Industry Report brought to you in conjunction with our Knowledge Partner, Wood Mackenzie. Download today, as this is a must-read for those active in the industry, providing valuable insight into investments in the African energy sector in a post-pandemic world. Authored by Principal Analyst (Upstream North Africa and Eastern Mediterranean), Martijn Murphy, this Report continues the conversations had during this year's Africa Energies Summit and sets the scene for the 2025 edition held in London, next May.

Read our CEO, Gayle Meikle's insights on the Report here.

Africa Energies Post-Summit Report – Now Live!

There’s no way we can encapsulate all that was said by 150+ speakers during the three days of this year’s AES, but for insight into the key themes discussed, and access to a range of articles written by those who featured on the agenda, download your copy of the Post-Summit Report today. Once you've digested the content, why not start to plan your attendance at Africa Energies Summit 2025…Super Early Bird Rate still applies!

Dates For Your Diary

Changing Face of Energy Series: World Energy Hotspots: What's Hot

📌 5th September 2024, LinkedIn Live – Register today.

World Energies Summit – The Premier Global Energy Conference

📌 1st - 2nd October 2024, London

Exclusive Members' Event | North America Dinner

📌 20th November 2024, Houston TX

Member Login to RSVP

Exclusive Members' Event | Sub-Saharan Africa Reception

📌 4th December 2024, TBC

RSVP opens soon

Exclusive North Africa and East Med Members’ Reception

📌 TBC February 2025, Cairo

Interested in Partnering with our Members' Events? Request Partnership Prospectus today!

We hope you enjoyed the July edition of The Surge. If you’re not already a Member, we hope this has given you an insight into the Frontier Energy Network, and shown you how we connect energy leaders around the world to make real progress happen.

Join us to find a global energy community!

The Frontier Team 💡


Why I Believe in Building a Global Platform for Promotion of Global Upstream Opportunities in the World Energies Summit


Download our Latest Global Upstream Report