A Milestone - Mini’s 5th Anniversary at Frontier

This will be a familiar face to many of you: Mini has been a key player in the Frontier journey. We want to say a huge thank you to Mini for her unwavering commitment, her input into the development of our company and her absolutely wicked sense of humour! 

“On behalf of everyone at Frontier, I would like to thank Mini for all she has done for Frontier. Her kindness and work ethic I have really relied on through the years. It takes great people to build a good company and Mini is definitely one of these people. Here is to many more Mini!”

Gayle Meikle, CEO at Frontier

We got Mini to tell us about her time with Frontier, and to choose her top three moments of the past five years…

Happy New Year! I am Mrinalini aka ‘Mini’ Mitta, born and brought up in India. I am Assistant to the CEO and Digital Events Manager at Frontier.

I completed my Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communications in 2006 and joined Cognizant, an IT Company, as a Programmer Analyst. In 2017 we moved to York, UK, with my husband’s job. Everything was new to me as I had never left India before.

Once we settled into our new routine, I started to look for job that would be interesting as well as challenging. I got to know Gayle Meikle, CEO of Frontier, during the school ‘drop’ and in January 2018 I joined Frontier. I am proud to be celebrating my 5th anniversary at Frontier.

I would like to share some of my best memories at Frontier: 

  • Africa Energies Summit was my first experience of a Frontier conference, and it was the launch event. The buzz around this event was amazing. It made me ‘fall in love’ with what Frontier does and I adored working at that event, seeing how much it meant to those who attended. This event has grown so much, and it is now an asset to the energy industry, a real “go to event” and I am very proud to have been there from the start.

  • Not only does Frontier bring the energy industry together to connect and collaborate, but they also help people and wider communities. During our annual Big Five Board Awards, Frontier organised a charity auction, the proceedings were distributed to the Tikki Hywood Foundation and Gondwana Conservation Trust. Frontier also supports Gogo Olive, a charitable initiative that empowers women and children in Zimbabwe.
    All of this is a great achievement for our organisation.

  • The Sponsors and Exhibitors of our Global Summits are extremely important to our business, and I have had the pleasure of working very closely with them over the years to ensure they get an excellent profile at our events. There is no better feeling than a client that is happy how everything has turned out for them.

Finally, I would like to convey my appreciation to Gayle and Daniel for their hard work and commitment to Frontier. They ensure that all our clients receive an outstanding service and are the best employers you could work for.

Here’s to many more Summits and happy days at Frontier!


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